Help & FAQS
To place an order, add your desired print to your shopping cart. You can access your shopping cart by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of your screen. From your shopping cart, you can click “checkout,” which will take you through the ordering process. Once your order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation email.
Canvas, Clock are ship on average in 2 business day.
Framed Art, Mirror, wood art in 2-4 business
Fabric (bedding, curtain, cushion) and Chairs, on average in 3-5 business day.
We're sorry you're not happy with your product. We'd appreciate it if you took a few moments to tell us why, so we can improve in the future.
Email us to, along with the following details: order number, the reason you're returning the item, photos of the item and its box, return or exchange preferred (if exchange, let us know which item and size).
You will be assisted as soon as we are notified, and your return label will be sent via email.